this morning when i went to check the weather i saw 17 degrees staring at me and thought DAMN ITS COLD OUTSIDE. then i realized that was in denton. suckers.
1. yesterday lauren and i were discussing our styles, and i came to the conclusion that i most commonly pull the older brother look. 2. its been foggy as hell for more than a week. 3. does anyone know how to bring back an appetite? 4. i feel revitalized by what i must do.
LAUREN YOU ARE AMAZING. you always make me feel better no matter how down i am, you know just how to make me smile without even realizing it. i love that we don't have to say things to each other sometimes, jus already kno!! rite?? thanks for getting me this awesome huge crystal, that means a lot. and i'm sorry i didn't capture penny's pose but i did get this little jem. THICK AS THIEVES GRL.
TCK at Thai Tom from Madison on Vimeo i just found this SRSLY LOLZ! thanks madison for posting this video! thai toms is awesome lauren and i actually went there just the other day with julien. yum.
i dont know what to do. i feel like i'm sinking, suffocating, asphyxiating. i keep waking up earlier and earlier unable to fall back to sleep because my mind is reeling with awful thoughts. i have the biggest rock resting in the pit of my stomach, and i need help getting it out.
i just bought a plane ticket to tx for the weekend of january 30 - february 1st. i found a good deal and decided that i can only live my life once so why the fuck not? ya know? plus i couldn't miss the second annual fancy dessert party for miss darcy's birthday! i miss tx.