it seems like i've been on a shopping spree for the last two days. maybe its because i came down with strep throat and am trying to make myself feel better by buying things? who knows...
first off i bought a plane ticket to go visit lauren as well as all of my other friends in seattle. i'll be staying for almost a week and i am super stoked! i figure, i had previously planned on buying a ticket for march anyway and just because the destination changed doesn't mean i cant go somewhere, right?!
secondly i was browsing the levi's website earlier today and noticed that they have a few items on sale for $40 and under (check it out, ladies!). i fell in love with this pair of pants and had to buy them; looking forward to their arrival in 3-6 business days and ready to tuck many of my favorite shirts into them!

i hope everyone is doing well. i am so ready for summer that it almost hurts.