"presleep rituals: before incubation, the greeks would carry out specific rituals by which they purified and dedicated themselves. for two days before entering the shrine, they had to abstain from sex, avoid eating meat, fish, or fowl, and drink only water. they also had to make a sacrificial offering of animals to the god whom they wished to invoke through a dream. some subjects were taken to a statue of the god so they could be imbued with feelings of awe before sleep. the subject then lay down to sleep on the skin of a sacrificed animal, sometimes beside the statue of the deity."
in other news, this past weekend was amazing. i could not have asked for it to go any differently (except for casey to have felt well). i can not wait to spend two weeks there in december.
and also, does anyone want to buy me this:

those greeks were so bizarre.
glad we got to bell it
the cat hoodie is a girls toddler size.
and my favorite led zep song is.. well right now rock and roll
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