today while filling an order at work i was inspired to show a little better what i do. i am sitting in a "station" with shelves full of long boxes which hold our products, which are marked by different number/letter combos. i get a long strip of stickers telling me which products have been ordered and how many and i roll around in my chair and listen to my ipod. this is what i spend most of my time doing.

QT. i'm glad that you posted this. i've wondered exactly what you do at work...
great description! you forgot to mention that you also try to text while not getting seen.
texting is the bane of all human existence!!!
sweet post. very interesting.
Does your job have take your kid to work day? If so, can I pretend to be your son for a day?
jesse you can come have lunch with me at work next time you are in town. we can have lunch visitors!
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