i knew this little guy for almost all of his short lived time here with us. he was born in the closet of a house i had lived in previously; the very closet that my own cats were raised in. once introduced we became quick friends. he loved to chase the sound my nails made across the back of the futon, he liked to perch on my shoulder, and i knew the exact position to place him in to instantly make him fall asleep. he would sleep, purring, in my arms for hours. when there were large parties and he was locked up in his dad's room i would feel bad for him and carry him around in the side pockets of whatever dress i was wearing. he would never try to escape. after moving away i always wondered if he would remember me. during my last visit home in early july i went to see him. daniel suggested to me that he may be in the back yard so i started yelling his name, and as i walked around the side of the house calling to him he stood up and started running to me, chirping. he remembered! his death was unjust, undeserved, and for some reason weighs heavily on me tonight as i lay trying to drift into sleep. i love you shaq and i will spend forever missing you.
luv uuuuuu missss u and him both
shit, made me cry too.
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