things have been going surprisingly well lately. i am super excited about my future (and scared too but i think thats pretty expected). i am currently trying to get a photo assistant internship with this totally awesome artist named misty keasler (www.mistykeasler.com). also i am super pumped about my senior show, which will be taking place at the end of this semester. i got together with my professor dornith today and told her the idea i had about doing an instillation piece, which is to display my photographs in raised boxes on the ground. not only was she also really excited about the idea, she gave me some really helpful tips, for example to display them not only on the ground but in a domestic setting with a rug (most exciting part) and maybe other things?? so awesome!! i finally came up with a firm idea for my body of work. its so relieving knowing exactly what it is that you are trying to portray in your art and having no second guesses when people ask you what it is about. i've never had that. if you're interested you can read the artist's statement below:
During the summer of 2007 something amazing happened to me; I found the greatest group of people, and the only people who I have ever been able to consider my true friends. My current body of work is inspired by and dedicated to them. By photographing these inspirational and life changing individuals I am hoping to keep them in my thoughts forever. I wish for them to be seen by the viewer in a way that they cannot see themselves. By giving a perspective that typically leaves one with a feeling of disconnect from the subject I intend to intimate these situations. I aspire to leave each moment open for the viewer to decide where or how he or she fits into the equation. This project is a glimpse into my life without me in it.
i have so many people to thank for the joy i'm feeling right now. it couldn't be much better.
oh! and also, i just remembered. jordan is going to make me a website, and its going to be so totally awesome. i'm really REALLY excited about that!
i love that photo! i have excited butterflies for you! you are so great!
this sounds so awesome. I want to sit in a chair as part of your installation all day without talking. not really. but you get what i'm saying. it's good.
yay!!! i'm so glad you are feeling good about the world. i love you!!!
super tight!
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