06 October, 2008


"over a hundred published studies have shown the real payoff which follows from a strict experimental method in which normal, genuine, real dreams of ordinary human beings are studied with full attention to the rigorous techniques of electrophysiology. in such studies, it is necessary to bring an experimental subject to the laboratory in the evening to become familiar with the setting and with the procedure to be followed. the subject prepares for sleep, and electrodes are fastened to his scalp. he goes to sleep; he dreams-as is shown both by the rapid eye movements and the brain-wave changes which go with the sleeping process. when the records show he has been dreaming, he is awakened. he tells what he dreamed and gives free associations to what he has reported. a distant experimenter, nearly a hundred feet away and beyond three closed doors, has been attempting to guide the course of the sleeper's dream thoughts in accordance with a randomly chosen target, following a procedure which would exclude any possibility of the subject's normal knowledge of what was being beamed to him. later the data are evaluated by comparing the contents of the subject's dream with the contents of the message which was beamed to him. results have demonstrated that the resemblances are significantly greater than would be expected by chance."

and i've only read the forward!!

1 comment:

Whitney said...
